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Operational Message

16 September of 2022

Please be informed that incorrect information about AB Amber Grid balancing gas prices has been published on GET Baltic website for 8 September 2022 delivery. The issue has already been resolved and the website data has been updated. Please get acquainted with the affected values:

Gas day: 2022-09-08

Marginal buy price, EUR/MWh: 247.65 (incorrect value: 247.81)
Marginal sell price, EUR/MWh: 202.62 (incorrect value: 202.76)
Weighted average price, EUR/MWh: 225.13 (incorrect value: 225.29)
Weighted average price, EUR/MWh +10%: 247.65 (incorrect value: 247.81)
Weighted average price, EUR/MWh -10%: 202.62 (incorrect value: 202.76)

Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Questions? Please contact:
GET Baltic
Tel. +370 686 39811

Gelezinio Vilko St. 18A, LT- 08104
Vilnius, Lithuania
@ 2022 GET Baltic
All rights reserved
Telephone +370 5 236 0000
Telefonas: +370 5 236 0000
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