Delivery period:
Data groups
Market Area
Data type
Fulfilled Trades on a Daily Market

Last update: 2024-10-22 11:03

This section presents information regarding the non-fulfilled orders. Information is updated every 10 minutes. More detailed information, which is updated online is available in the ETS for the registered Exchange Participants.
Delivery period Lowest price, EUR/MWh Highest price, EUR/MWh BGSI, EUR/MWh BGSI-DA, EUR/MWh
2024-10-16 38,00 41,45 40,39 40,18
2024-10-17 38,00 41,45 40,51 40,56
2024-10-18 39,80 48,85 40,57 40,27
2024-10-19 39,50 45,00 40,95 40,31
2024-10-20 39,50 44,00 41,10 40,89
2024-10-21 38,00 42,72 41,20 41,27
2024-10-22 39,61 44,99 43,25 41,01
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