GET Baltic invites all exchange participants to get acquainted with the Amendment of the Regulation of Trading on the Natural Gas Exchange

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GET Baltic invites all exchange participants to get acquainted with the Amendment of the Regulation of Trading on the Natural Gas Exchange

On 29 December 2021, Lithuanian gas transmission system operator AB ‘‘Amber Grid“ and the National Energy Regulatory Council approved the new version of the AB ‘‘Amber Grid“ Rules for Natural Gas Transmission System Balancing (Rules). The new version of the Rules stipulates that from 1 March 2022, the trade notifications must be submitted no later than 30 minutes before the end of the gas day, therefore there is no possibility to revise the data after the end of the gas day. According to that, no previous day’s product remains. The gas exchange operator GET Baltic, in response to the changed Rules, initiated amendments to the Regulation of Trading on the Natural Gas Exchange (Regulation).

Please, read more here.

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