Natural gas market operator UAB GET Baltic in order to inform all the natural gas market participants and other interested parties about trading on the natural gas Exchange has announced Report of Trade on Natural Gas Exchange for the second quarter of 2015. The trade turnover for the second quarter was 32 GWh of natural gas with a value of 633,17 thou. EUR. The total amount of deals carried out on the Exchange was 380, more than twice as much comparing with the same time period last year. It should be noted that deals to buy or sell gas were concluded for each natural gas day for the second consecutive quarter.

The average price of natural gas on the Exchange was 19.78 EUR/MWh, which is 9.16 EUR or 46.31% lower in comparison with the same period in 2014, when it was 28.94 EUR/MWh. The highest price for a fulfilled deal was 21.99 EUR/MWh and it was executed on 12th of April. The lowest price for fulfilled deals was 17 EUR/MWh and this price stood at the same level for four consecutive days from 29th of April to 2nd of May. The difference between the highest and the lowest price of fulfilled deals was 4.99 EUR. Significant price changes were influenced by the signed agreements in 2014 between natural gas suppliers and gas supplying company OAO Gazprom for around 20% lower import gas price. Another equally important reason for lower gas prices could be the decline in the alternative fuel prices. Oil products prices declined for the last twelve months. In June 2015, the price of 1% fuel oil was 322.07 USD/ton, while during the same time period in 2014 the price for the mentioned product was almost two times higher and reached 631.73 USD/ton. The price for gasoil 0.1% fluctuated at more moderate level. In June 2015 it was 572.99 USD/ton, while in 2014, during the same time period the fuel price was 909.36 USD/ton. It has been forecasted that prices of the mentioned oil products should remain at the similar level for the upcoming 6 months. The US dollar’s appreciation against the Euro stopped the further decline of gas price. On the 30th of June in 2015 the exchange rate of the Euro and the US dollar was 1.1189 EUR/USD, while on June in 2014 exchange rate was 1.3658 EUR/USD.

Comparing with the previous periods, in the second quarter of 2015 the average volume of fulfilled deals decreased to 84 MWh. The lowest volume of a fulfilled deal was 1 MWh and the highest volume of a fulfilled deal was 620 MWh. However, increased numbers of concluded transactions and higher levels of activity among participants indicate that during this quarter trading on the Exchange happened for balancing purposes. The total volume of submitted orders to buy was 147,784 MWh, while the total volume of submitted orders to sell – 265,662 MWh.

At the end of the second quarter of 2015 there were 50 participants registered on the GET Baltic gas exchange. Recently, the consumers of the Estonia’s gas market showed interest in the participation of GET Baltic gas exchange.

More detailed information is on the Report of Trade on Natural Gas Exchange for the second quarter of 2015.

The Reports of Trade on Natural Gas Exchange for other periods could be find on the web page

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