Latvian and Estonian market areas captured new activity record. Baltic Gas Exchange starts year 2018 capturing new activity record in Latvian and Estonian market areas. In January 2018 there were 72 sell transactions concluded in Latvian market area (43% from all transactions executed on the exchange), i.e. 3.4 times more compared to December 2017. Total number of buy transactions concluded in Estonian market area increased 7.6 times, and sell even 8 times. For the first time since July 1st 2017 supply in Latvian market area (129 GWh) outsripes Lithuanian (122 GWh). The activity of Market Makers in maintaining liquidity and continuous trading have had the major impact on price convergence and growing trading activity in all the States of the Baltics. As Market Maker’s program gains momentum, liquidity gap between countries is expected only to decrease.

In January 2018 trading volumes on the Baltic Gas Exchange amounted to 40 GWh which is 2.8 times more compared to January 2017 (14 GWh). 15 participants actively participated in trading (December 2017 – 11) and concluded 168 transactions.

Baltic Gas Spot Index (BGSI) which captures changes of natural gas prices in the Baltics, value in January 2018 was 19.87 EUR/MWh and compared to December 2017 decreased by 2.8% (22.44 EUR/MWh). Exchange participants concluded transactions In Lithuanian market area paid the weighted average price of 20.01 (EUR/MWh (↓2.6%), in Latvian market area – 19.60 EUR/MWh (↓0.7%), Estonian market area – 19.58 EUR/MWh (↑0.003%).

More detailed information is on the Baltic Gas Exchange Trading Report for the January 2018.

All Baltic Gas Exchange Trading Reports are available at

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