Trading Market Data Services About Us

23th December 2020

GET Baltic UMM Platform successfully completed ACER‘s reassessment procedure

We would like to inform market participants, that following a new ACER registration and acknowledgment process GET Baltic’s UMM Platform has successfully completed the Inside Information Platforms (IIP) assessment procedure and officially has been registered and listed as an IIP on the REMIT portal.

Market participants still publishing their inside information on own websites from 1 January 2021 must start reporting their inside information according to REMIT to ACER via IIP. GET Baltic invites market participants to fulfill REMIT reporting obligation and make their inside information public on a specialized regional inside information platform – GET Baltic UMM platform.

Please, read more here.

Gelezinio Vilko St. 18A, LT- 08104
Vilnius, Lithuania
@ 2019 GET Baltic
All rights reserved
Telephone +370 5 236 0000
Phone: +370 5 236 0000

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